Friday, May 28, 2004

Going North Up Sherbourne is born...just as i move to Vancouver

Wellllll...i have created it and i will assume they will now come. Of course, i will have to figure out exactly how i set this up to be hosted and put on my 'computer literate' face while i figure out how to use But it will figure itself out. That is my mantra these days. And it will. This i am coming to know as Truth.

Why did i title these musings Going North Up Sherbourne? It was fall of 2003 and i was taking my first Science of Mind class at the Centre for Conscious Living in Toronto and i was asking RevB what one can do when one is watching people they love self-destruct. She answered with a question - very RevB - and simply asked me...who are you to say that they are self-destructing? And, even if they are, how can you be so sure that they aren't going through exactly what they need to be going through in right and perfect time? AND why are you so concerned with saving someone else when you most likely have eons of work to do saving yourself? She then, with a giggle, used an image of me running after someone who has declared they want to see Lake Ontario and then promptly started going north up Sherbourne. "BUT THE LAKE IS THAT WAY!", i yell, pointing south. Little do i know that for them the lake is north to Bloor, west 'til Spadina, south (with a little stop at Queen's Quey) and, finally, the shores of the very same lake. It stayed with me, that class. I stopped worrying about my 'lost friends' and started looking at all the ways that i seem to need to go North Up Sherbourne.

I suppose my desire is to create a place to 'blog' so that i can share my findings with you.

I am moving to Vancouer in 3 days...

...but i think i'll keep the title.


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