Lindy Hop and the Lap Tops
I've got Kyle's laptop now so i can blog to my heart's content...IN BED!!!
Still no job. Looked at the bank account and am thinking i can make it til the end of the month here, but if no job by then...goodbye Vancouver and hello Moose Jaw.
Last night i went to my first swing dance. It was quite overwhelming. What i did like is that there was a packed room of sober people my age, since they don't serve alcohol at these things. I also loved the music, the big band, the sheer cardiovascular work out. I hated that i pretty much had to sit there by myself the whole night when i wasn't on the dance floor, because Kyle and Eileen and Eric were pretty much off doing their own thing. That was a first in life. A big dance by myself. No friends to gab with, no for sure date to dance with. VULNERABLE!! I figure it was good for me. I did, in fact, meet a cute boy...although i am sure i will never see him again. All in all, i will repeat the experience perhaps, but was happy to go home to bed at the end of the night.
I turn 28 years old in 2 days. I have to admit --- i wish i was bringing in this new year of my life somewhere else. I will blog on Tuesday...set some goals and share my feelings on what it feels like to be approaching 30. SHeesH!
Have my 2nd interview tomorrow with a placement agency. Gotta spend some time today sharpening up my Excel skills.
...and the excitment just keeps coming and coming.
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