Unexpected Song
I had all these wise and profound things to relate tonight that i brought home with me from another session with the Clearmind gang...but as i sit here now, staring at the screen, i can't remember one thing.
Oh, okay, one thing...in many ways we are living as a reaction to the story we tell ourselves about our families.
I know it is true for me. Or has been true in the past.
But i can't concentrate on such academic topics right now.
Right now i feel like singing.
There is news on my horizon...changes...in more than one area of my life...but they feel fragile still, fledgling and not final enough to share. What i can share is that no matter where your life is one day, it can look very different the next. That sometimes you have to fall to your knees completely before you will begin to rise. Last week i was on my knees. Today i feel stirrings of a melody i call hope...perhaps tomorrow i will fly.
Wayne Dyer's new book The Power Of Intention...brilliant. I especially noted the section that suggests writing your 'dying words' now, today, in this moment...if you did, what would you say? More importantly, what would these preparing for death words say about how you live while alive?
...and for anyone suffering from poetry withdrawl...Hafiz...Sufi poet extrodanaire...he's damn funny, too...
I will also leave you with the Clearmind website...www.clearmind.com...as it has one of D'uane's talks as an audio file...he inspires insights...and what could be yummier?
Perhaps Broadway Station at 3pm on a Sunday?
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