Monday, August 09, 2004

The Power of Intention

Just finished watching Wayne Dyer speak on his new book...The Power Of Intention...and just like his message, finding him on the TV this evening was no less than a beautfiul synchronicity with the universe. I have hungered for a message for the last couple of days that i am not finding in my current books or the speakers that i go to by default. Being out here, in the middle of nowhere, i had started looking to nature...being an obvious resource. This worked, and yet i knew there was more...

Then tonight i went to have a shower in the public facilities here on site. I stopped by the TV room on my way in and without understanding why i did it, i quickly reached over to the remote and flicked on the wide screen. There, speaking to thousands of people, was Wayne Dyer and i knew instantly he was going to say the things i was needing to hear. So i sat. And i listened. And i am renewed.

Last night, after speaking to Jennie and attempting to console her in the wake of what may be her divorce, i asked a question of her and of me and of It All...what would life be like if we weren't allowed to be mean to ourselves? What would my mental atmosphere look like if i simply didn't allow myself to ever say anything less than loving to myself? I don't know if even my closest loved ones have any clue just how cruel i can be to myself. And i believe that i am not unique in fact, i am sure of it.

So, as i walked home, with the lights across the lake shining and that warm summer interior BC wind sweeping my face, i made a statement. No more. I am going to police my mean self and stop being tolerant of the cruelty. I am going to stop the rudeness in its tracks and i am going to stick up for myself. I intend from this day forward to cherish me no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT.

That includes thoughts i have about my body, my ex's, my financial status, my undefined present day purpose....

I am perfect, whole and complete and worthy of treating myself like a queen...

From here on in, i am kicking my own inner-critic's ass.


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