Saturday, September 18, 2004

Those In-Between Times

I wanna blog. I think of blogging. I have blogging type things to say...

But my hands are tied. My new reception position at 20/20 doesn't give me alot of blogging time and i will not officially have a home of my own until Oct. 1st. Even then, i won't have a computer at the house. I am back in civilization and far far away from my cyberworld - a complete switch from La Casa. It is good in some ways as it pushes me to go and actually MEET with the very people i would be tempted to just talk to online. But really i miss my beautiful La Casa widescreen laptop. It was my best friend. And now we are seperated....sigh.

My life is shaping up to be pretty much what i was envisioning...a one bedroom, funky apartment and a cool, well-paying, stable job and dating and socializing and SOM classes and paying off my debts...i still sometimes feel pretty lonely...wish i could have a best buddy that i didn't need to schedule to see...but Vancouver this week has been great. Wonderful. I was silly to have been so worried.

Emailed Aidan in hopes he would contact me and want to meet up. He has not. I miss him. I wonder. But i must respect his choices. Being an ex is heartbreaking.

Saw Brent play was great...they were great...sara-jeanne and i were so funny watching out of place at this rock bar...but it was good to see him again - pause or no pause.

I have my new address but i will type that out when i get my new cell phone so that i can give my contact info as a complete package. Looks like Jennie may be sending her half of the furnishings from NC to Vancouver - and she may have to come and meet them at the border which means seeing the woman i love. Sigh. If only i was attracted to her - i would have found my life mate. Anyway, i am excited to redecorate and take over the apartment. Good ol' roots.

My official title at head office is Office Administrator. John doesn't seem to remember that i have the Benz (or the Merk - as i call it now) and so i will hang onto each additional precious day i have with this beautiful vehicle. I hold out hope that i will be transferred eventually to Centro and work under my cousin in a more creative, challanging role...but 'til then...

I take my lindy classes, attend the Centre once more and do alot of catching up in funky Tea Houses.

The blogging slows and all is well...


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