Monday, November 08, 2004

10 Shades of Suck

This is how many people in my life are presently describing their lives : 10 Shades of Suck.

Makes me feel slightly guilty for being so damn happy.

I had an extra-ordinary weekend. Jennie and i are a power couple. Everywhere we turn people are asking us if we are sisters or twins or some such thing. The dance on Saturday was...shocking? dramatic? progressive? I dunno. Having Jen there made the whole thing feel so different. I have never had a safe social harbour to go before - i loved it. I also got up the guts to dance with a couple of leads that i have not had the confidence to dance with yet. To top it off i spoke to someone that i have not spoken to in awhile. This last item has been what has stolen my thoughts since its occurance. I am exhausting myself trying to figure out a situation that involves a man. You would think at 28 i would know how useless that is.

But, then again, you would also think at 28 i wouldn't be listening to Clay Aiken's Invisible and brooding about my secret crush.

Fuck "being 28". I yam what i yam.

A littel bit child-like, a little bit perfectionist, a little bit extrovert, a little bit teen angst.

Tain't black and white...
...but who would've thunk that grey could be so beautiful?


Blogger Small Routines said...

Ya, precisely, who would've thought grey is so beautiful?
You write really well!

November 10, 2004 at 8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Krista,

I was checking the blog on your web site. I kept seeing "secret crush" thing over several posts.

So here's a guy's perspective on what to do:
The first questions I ask myself, when I find that I am attracted to a girl is:
What am I looking for here?
A very simple question, with profound meaning, if answered honestly.
Am I looking for a deeper releationship?
Am I looking for affirmation?
Am I just looking to get a romantic feeling? (in which, case I really don't want to do anything)
Say that I am actually looking for a deeper relationship, then the next step would be to get to know her better one-on-one -- so I ask her out to dinner. Of course, this can be a little different than if I am already friends her -- and a little scarier.
Do I put the friendship at risk by introducing romance?
If I am thinking about that person for a while (looks like have been) and I am ready for a relationship (which is the big question for me -- I've decided that I don't want an exclusive relationship right now. You have to answer this question yourself), then I tell them how I feel sometime during the date. The big risk is that they'll reject you. But then you can move on with your life.

I've discovered that dancing is a good preparation for this. Sometimes when I ask a girl to dance she says no. That used to be hard. Now I don't take it personally and just move on.

Anyways, the summary here is -- no risk, no gain!

Dance on, babe!

Matt from Portland

November 10, 2004 at 8:35 PM  

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