Coming Out of the Closet
My secret (or not-so-secret) crush is Kevin Jamieson.
There, i have said it.
For all of cyberspace to read.
Yes, this is the same Kevin i have mentioned in previous blogs. You can research the entity that has had me boggled for 5 months at
I mailed him a letter (i know, i know...not brave, but as brave as i have right now) on Monday. Which means, by now, he has read it and knows and hasn't responded and - just i thought - doesn't care. Or doesn't know what to do about it. Either way. He knows, a couple other friends of ours know and nothing really has changed. Except i feel lighter. It hurts, but i will survive.
Now, for the rest of my life.
I perform with Spirtsong this Sunday and am singing these crazy gospel tunes. It is just a fantastic workout and a true
My ex-roommate and multi-talented friend Norbert K. has started his own business and has a most professional am just so proud of him i could burst. Check it out.
If you are in a bad mood and/or have an insane sense of humour, you must visit my summer roommate Kyle made me go there when times were tough and my buddy Thom just sent me the link the other day. If it shows up more than once than you know that it is time to make a note to self.
Looking to play Christmas music all day long? Looking for --- well, practically anykind of dedicated radio station? This has been the most amazing find this there is even a station dedicated to specific Broadway composers!!! I mean - COME ON! How cool is that???
I am currently listening to a station dedicated to Male Celtic Artists. Pretending i'm standing on the ocean in the Maritimes, seaspray in my face, the wind in my hair, a lighthouse shining a strong beam onto the water, at one with It All.
Spoke to an old old friend yesterday. Alain Therrien. A boy i had a crush on when i was 14? (crushes old and new...). I haven't seen him for over 10 years, but heard through the grapevine that he lived in Whistler and was running his own ski guide company. It was all true. And he sounded exactly the same. So, if you are in BC, looking to downhill, board or heli-ski check out Love the Alain. Oh, and thank god for Google. It is so helpful when one is a stalker.
...and the office gets busy
...and i have to pee
...and with it all the sun sets at 4:00 and my imaginings stay private
...and i laugh to not cry
...and i scream to move on
there, better now.
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