My New Boyfriend Vancouver
The phone rang on Monday night with a job offer in Jasper.
I suddenly was struck with a metaphor. It is like i moved here to date Vancouver. While i am having a fun time, i have been making sure that it is clear that i am free to date others...that at any moment, if our 'thing' gets hard, i can up and leave. Then i get a tempting offer from another suitor and am faced with coming to terms with my true feelings. Do i go to Japser or do i admit that i am falling for Vancouver and commit even though i run the risk of it getting hard (perhaps hard enough that it could fail)? Do i choose monogomy? Do i choose love?
The job in Jasper wasn't right for me anyway.
Yes...we are now an exclusive item -- I am staying in Vancouver --- if i leave, i will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming. I like it here. It makes me laugh, it is opening so many new doors, it is a super attractive city. And a part of me wonders if being here is the closest i have had to finding 'the one' -- the place i belong.
I have a second interview today. As a real, normal, boring job looms close i am thrust into the reality that once i get the real, normal, boring job i will have to go to it everyday. I must use the glorious paycheck to motivate me...i want to pay off my debts pretty much more than i want most anything else at this juncture.
I also am enjoying the men in this city. Typing on my computer like this makes me feel like Carrie Bradshaw...a lower income version of sex in the city. Now if only i could get paid to type on this computer - then we would really be cooking.
Question to the Universe: Where are the marriages that work?? Why are so many of my married friends - the vast majority - unhappy? Is it a question of a world of people who can't figure out how to love themselves trying to love someone else? Is it a mass consciousness??
Just heard Jack Johnson's latest CD. Hello. Sexy. Experience it if you can.
And i will be careful what i pray for...
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